Time flies. In just a glimpse, we have come to the final week of our short semester. Our last two assignments will be Assignment 8a and 8b: Spreadsheet and Assignment 9: Database. This time we are going to explore about the use of OfficeOfice Calc and OpenOffice Base.
First of all, in Assignment 8a, by using Calc, we are required to create a monthly financial record, which can be used to record our monthly income and expenses. The balance for each month must be linked to the next month and added to the new balance. To link the balance, we must first copy the amount > Paste Special it in the next worksheet (where you are going to calculate your new balance) > Select link and add. Since I personally keep a record of my daily expenses using Excel, it did not cause me much problem in this particular assignment.
While in Assignment 8b, we are to create a record for students' scores. This skill is very important especially for teachers who need to keep a record of our students' examination results. By using Calc also, we can analyse our data and come up with statistics from the scores recorded. Teachers who mastered the use of Excel would be able to prevent loss of time as all calculations can be done automatically by inserting the correct formulae.
Finally, it is Assignment 9. We learnt to create a database to record students' details on their name, parents' information, curriculum and co-curriculum activities.
Xin Txin
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