After we have registered ourselves into Yahoo!, Google and Facebook accounts, it is time for us to move on to THINK, PAIR, SHARE activity. I have chosen the 6th subtopic of discussion: Original and Licensing Software. The reason for me to choose this particular topic is to differentiate more distinctively between original and licensing software. Before this I am quite vague with the idea of both softwares. This THINK, PAIR, SHARE activity requires us to look for our own materials in order to gain more understanding before we proceed to our pair discussion on the same topic. Hence, I went to google search engine to look for suitable articles and journals as well. I read and started to build up a clearer view about both softwares.
Basically, to make a summary out of it, original software is the one created and designed by an individual or a company. Hence, they have the ownership of it as their intellectual property. As for users like us, we can choose to use either licensed software or pirated software. Licensed software is a copied version from the original software. It is legally distribute with the permission of the owner. On the other hand, pirated software is a version of the software which is not legally distributed, just like stealing. Thus, to conclude, the relationship is like below:
Original Software --- A person's property,
Licensed Software --- Permission is given to the user to use the
property of the owner.
Pirated Software --- To steal without permission or knowing
of the owner (theft)
I came across the issue of software piracy which generated me to think more critically. I later paired up with one of my coursemates, Ting Suk Hua to discuss on the topic that we shared. We have different views and opinions here and there. After a precise discussion with additional information found, we came out with a complete idea of original and licensing software (shown in the earlier post). Next, we produced a piece of writing on that particular topic so that it can be shared on facebook as document in my facebook group. Besides that, we were also to comment on others' essays posted on their group, which were related to other topics. By having an online discussion on facebook, we were able to learn more as we can listen to others' point of view toward a certain topic.
Throughout the process of carrying out this activity, I encountered several problems as well. Understanding could sometimes be hard when it came to professional terms which I was not familiar with. Matters became worse when the wireless in our campus was unavailable and my broadband was not working as it should be. My work was delayed since I was unable to go online in search for materials needed. One last thing that has became a problem is that our campus' wireless only allows facebook to be unblocked after office hour. However, regardless of these problems, I tried my best to catch up with my work and completed it as soon as I can,
Xin Txin
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